
Jupiter Power获得65美元.为休斯顿电池储能系统提供200万美元的资金



(Hga010皇冠软件下载) 第一公民银行和Jupiter Power LLC(“Jupiter Power”)今天宣布,第一公民银行的皇冠HGA010官方下载金融皇冠HGA010官方下载和Jupiter Power以65美元收盘.200万美元的融资,用于在休斯顿建造一个200兆瓦(MW) / 400兆瓦时(MWh)的电池储能系统, 德州.

总部设在奥斯汀, 德州, 和芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, Jupiter Power is a leader in energy storage infrastructure with 775 MWh of operating projects, 620兆瓦时的建设和超过11,000 MW of new projects in 发展 from Maine to California.

"Jupiter is excited to have closed financing for this very unique project, 如何响应德克萨斯州立法机构的号召,在ERCOT和消费者最需要电力的主要负荷中心附近建立更多可调度的电力,安德鲁·鲍曼说, 朱庇特的首席执行官. “Hga010皇冠软件下载感谢First Citizens 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Finance团队的承诺,他们了解Jupiter Power的能力,并提供量身定制的金融解决方案.”

“Jupiter Power has a strong reputation across the industry for identifying strategic locations for battery storage systems,迈克·洛鲁索说, managing director and group head for First Citizens 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Finance. "We were pleased to be selected to again lead a financing to support their battery energy storage systems."

除了这笔融资, First Citizens 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Finance在之前与Jupiter Power的交易中担任协调牵头安排人,交易价格为70美元.4 million construction and term loan financing facility for two standalone battery energy storage projects in 德州, 总计160兆瓦/ 320兆瓦时.

第一市民皇冠HGA010官方下载金融利用其深厚的行业知识和专业知识,为可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载和传统发电提供全面的融资解决方案. 这个单位管理着一个很大的, diverse portfolio that includes investments in all asset classes across the energy sector.

关于Jupiter Power

Jupiter is a leading energy storage infrastructure platform with deep trading, 分析, 发展, 金融, 操作, and construction capabilities and unparalleled intellectual property in dispatch optimization. 该公司正在开发超过11种,从加利福尼亚到缅因州的000兆瓦项目, 并在奥斯汀和休斯顿设有办事处, 德州, 和芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州.



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在太阳能发电和风能发电能力方面处于全国领先地位, it is undeniable that 德州 has become the epicenter for renewable energy. 作为世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都, 休斯顿一直走在该州成功的前沿, 连续中标重大项目.  根据合作伙伴的休斯顿事实报告, the region’s renewable energy industry accounted for nearly 13,2022年将有1000个工作岗位. To bolster growth in this sector and enhance Houston’s leadership in the global energy transition, the 大休斯顿伙伴关系 is actively working to attract renewable energy companies to the region, 协助搬迁及扩建工程. 根据伙伴关系分析, the organization saw a 400% increase in the number of energy transition projects it won between 2018 and 2023.  The Partnership has recently assisted in several significant project wins for the region, 包括可再生零件, 一家风力涡轮机供应链和翻新公司. 该公司宣布选择Humble作为其新零件再流通车间的位置,以满足北美市场不断增长的需求. The new facility is expected to create at least 18 jobs with $700,000 in capital expenditures.   “作为一家企业,靠近休斯顿对Hga010皇冠软件下载来说很重要, as 德州 has a thriving wind industry and an abundance of turbines that we have vast experience on,迈克尔·福布斯说。, 可再生零部件美国总统, 休斯顿被广泛认为是世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都,这是一个很好的机会,让Hga010皇冠软件下载找到优秀的人才,并与那里的一些伟大的企业合作."  Renewable Parts is one of many international companies that have chosen to expand to the Houston suburbs, attracted by the ample space for large-scale facilities and the close proximity to Houston's major transportation hubs, including the Port of Houston and the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.  "Renewable Parts' decision to establish their North American 操作 in Humble, 德州, is further testament to the Houston region's strong infrastructure, 熟练的劳动力和无与伦比的行业专业知识,克雷格·罗兹说, 高级副总裁经济发展, 大休斯顿伙伴关系. “This new facility will bolster the local economy and help drive the advancement of renewable energy in North America."  Triveni涡轮机, 一家印度制造公司, assembles and repairs rotating equipment for power generation was another major win for the Partnership last month. 该公司最近签署了一份租赁合同,000 square feet office and manufacturing space in northwest Houston off FM 529. The facility will create 40 jobs and have the potential for further expansion in three to five years.  另外, 帝国之星太阳能, 这是一家在亚洲和柬埔寨都有皇冠HGA010官方下载的太阳能制造商, 将开设第一家美国.S. manufacturing plant in Tomball at the Interchange 249 business park. According to the Houston Business Journal, the 384,500 square foot facility is expected to produce 1.每年生产5千兆瓦的太阳能电池板.S. 到2025年,产能将达到5千兆瓦. 该公司还计划通过与当地大学和学院合作提供实习计划,加强该地区的制造业和技术劳动力.  了解更多关于休斯顿在可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载领域的领导地位.  

DNV gives greenlight to Drax's new methodology for carbon removals delivered by BECCS

[Hga010皇冠软件下载]- dnv, 独立的皇冠HGA010官方下载专家和保证提供商, 已经验证了一种新的方法,用于认证使用具有碳捕获和储存(BECCS)的生物皇冠HGA010官方下载提供的二氧化碳净去除量。. A methodology developed by renewable energy pioneers Drax and Stockholm Exergi has been validated by DNV, 一个提供世界知名测试的组织, certification and technical advisory services to the energy sector.  该方法证明符合ISO标准,并使使用生物皇冠HGA010官方下载与碳捕获和储存(BECCS)交付的二氧化碳去除(cdr)的买家对其完整性充满信心.  The methodology also supports the 发展 of the voluntary carbon market for CDRs, which will play an important role in the scaling of such technologies and delivery of Net Zero. DNV’s endorsement of the methodology developed by Drax and Stockholm Exergi, 是一个重要的里程碑, 将支持和启用BECCS的部署, a vital climate saving technology which both companies plan to deploy.  DNV验证的综合方法将确保有一个严格的方法,这将为BECCS的cdr的质量和可持续性提供信心——BECCS是一项至关重要的技术,因为它能够提供可靠的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载以及数百万吨的二氧化碳清除.   这项技术被气候变化领域的权威机构广泛认为是应对全球变暖的关键, yet up until now there has been no comprehensive set of best-practice standards for measuring, 报告和核实BECCS交付的碳去除量.   制定严格的标准,使买家对cdr的质量和可持续性有信心,这对于扩大BECCS高诚信信用市场的努力至关重要.   Drax和Stockholm Exergi开发的方法提供了一个全面而保守的框架,用于量化所交付的净二氧化碳清除量. 经DNV验证,符合ISO14064:2(国际标准化组织)标准.  “基于技术的二氧化碳去除技术,如BECCS,在实现净零排放方面发挥着关键作用. Drax和Stockholm Exergi合作开发了一种可靠的方法,既可以量化从大气中去除的二氧化碳量,又可以确定保障措施,以确保这些技术的可持续性. DNV has used a comprehensive process to validate that the methodology is aligned with ISO 14064-2, including a stakeholder engagement process to ensure that views of stakeholder groups have been considered.” - Lucy Craig, SVP of Growth, 创新 and Digitalization, 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Systems, DNV The methodology is the most thorough to date incorporating sustainability safeguards, 为CDR买家和投资者带来信心,并已提交欧盟碳去除认证框架咨询程序.   The validated methodology is a collaborative initiative by the two leaders in BECCS technology, 制定一个新的框架,以确保生物质的可持续利用和对净清除量的保守量化.  Drax的目标是成为提供大规模和高完整性碳清除的全球领导者,其英国BECCS项目今年早些时候获得了英国政府的开发许可. “至关重要的是,Hga010皇冠软件下载要有可信的, 如果Hga010皇冠软件下载要扩大二氧化碳去除(cdr)市场的规模,并达到将升温控制在1摄氏度以内所需的量,就必须制定透明和值得信赖的标准.5摄氏度. Drax is proud to be pioneering this comprehensive methodology which aims to set the standard for CDRs delivered by BECCS, 并提供政府, customers and the market with the confidence needed to invest in high-integrity durable credits.——Drax商务总监Angela Hepworth Stockholm Exergi plans to build Europe’s first large-scale facility for carbon removals using BECCS.   “有了这个倡议, we want to define and accelerate the 发展 of sustainable BECCS, 向自愿碳市场上的碳去除单位购买者提供明确的信息,并与所有其他BECCS开发商联系,以加入推动标准趋同的倡议. Only if we can avoid market fragmentation and agree on a robust, BECCS的可持续标准将释放市场需求,永久清除行业规模将达到政府间气候变化专门委员会认为将全球变暖限制在1摄氏度所必需的水平.5 °C.” - Erik Rylander, Commercial Director for BECCS, Stockholm Exergi 新的方法看起来是行业领先的, principle-led方法, 标准制定者可以采取哪些措施并进一步发展,以实现对净清除量的稳健而严格的测量.   完整的方法可以在这里找到.   如需更多资料,请联络:Grant Stoker, Communications Manager  艾凡:格兰特.stoker@drax.com T:  318.376.3358



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